To realize the temperature compensation for high-frequency overtone crystal oscillator, low-frequency ceramic oscillator is chosen and its output frequency is mixed with the output frequency of overtone crystal oscillator. 该系统利用低频陶瓷振荡器的输出频率通过混频对高次泛音石英晶振进行温度补偿。
Since the 3rd overtone crystal resonator has high Q value, less absorb frequency and good drop characteristic, it is usually applied on some particular requirement circuit. 三次泛音49U/S石英谐振器因Q值高、频率牵引小、跌落性能好而被一些有特殊要求的电路所采用。
The overtone quartz crystal resonators have been widely utilized in various electronic products for their higher vibration frequencies, which are increasingly out of reach with the fundamental thickness-shear vibration mode. 由于能具有基频厚度剪切模态难以达到的更高工作频率,高阶泛音石英晶体谐振器有着广泛的应用需求。